August 23:
back in dubai... and it's ramadan :( :)
August 29:
went nostalgic when we had our first worship at the Villa last friday... it's good to be back 'home' ;)
September 1:
is still catching up with soooo much office load after 1 1/2 mos of vacation, so no ramadan timings for me....oh, the price you have to pay for enjoying to the max! haha!
September 23:
praise God for our new crib!!! let it be a home where the love and goodness of God dwells freely...
September 26:
thought for the day "if your heart is desperately against your job right now, pray for His will. but remember that His will can go either way... change of job or change of heart. be prepared to obey cheerfully" ;)
September 26:
praying for our kabayans who are stranded in manila flood that seemed to take everyone there by surprise! it was only signal no. 1, but the whole manila is almost drowning. even my family in cainta which is already considered a higher altitude... Lord, you're in control ...
September 30:
finally i was able to talk to my mom last night! tnx for your prayers! praise God they are ok and are already cleaning up ;) no more car and some house properties, but my family is complete and no illness! we have to remind ourselves on what really m...atters and thank God for it, or else it will halt us from moving on to the road of recovery... so my heart goes to those who lost their loved ones, be comforted in Him...
September 30:
Nanay (mom) who is already 63 years old said that she was amazed that she did not feel tired nor hungry in the process of lifting appliances up to higher place while flood was rising, until my other brother came to give them food early the next mor...ning. some call it adrenaline rush. i call it God's power rush! He provides ways beyond our imagination!
September 30:
flood overflowing in manila = prayers overflowing worldwide = love and care and help overflowing worldwide! such a small world after all!
October 1:
is wondering if typhoon Ondoy did not stop for 40 days...
October 7:
is finally clear from fever, sore throat, headache, body aches and dry cough! and yes, it's not H1N1. yehey! back to normal! ;) praise God!
October 10:
recent thoughts after flooding: 1. loved ones is 1 of our prized possessions; 2. lesser properties, faster to save self & others; 3. lesser properties damaged, easier for heart to move on; 4. more friends, faster recovery; 5. more people willing to hel...p if you let them. cultivate relationships w people, not with properties. don't wait for a calamity to teach us these valuable truths... maybe too costly and too late...
October 14:
is miraculaously a morning person now! even beating the sun before it shines!!!
October 24:
enjoyed beach time with the girls, while the guys rocked the desert!
.... and October 25
is blogging again after almost a yearlong hiatus.....
The Magical Three

wow, dec 2008 was my last entry??? have i been that lazy? not really. i should say, i've been that busy ;)
2009 has been some sort of a fairy tale for me... this is the year that God has finally answered my prayers of settling down with the man that i love...
january, david and i both went to the philippines for him to meet my mom, and my family
february, back in dubai... he proposed! and of course, i said "I won't................say NO!" ;)
march to july, wedding planning galore! by God's grace, we had a smooth flow planning, nothing of the drama that i have been warned of.
july 25, the big W day in the philippines! oh, everything was perfect! THANK YOU LORD!!!
august, went to US for our honeymoon!
sept, went back to work, preparing for Eid. in between, did home-hunt, and found the best one nestled at the heart of downtowb dubai..
october, still catching up with work, but peacefully settled with david in our new home. we did a house-warming treat for our friends ;)
and now, david and i celebrate our 3rd month together as husband and wife. there's just so much to celebrate and be thankful for. david is still the sweet miracle i once knew. each day with him is a wonderful discovery of treasures...
Lord, thank you for these three magical months. the cynics always say that 'yeah, honeymoon phase'... but i am optimistic that by God's grace, we will be able to continually enjoy this harmonious, loving and fun marriage...
2009 has been some sort of a fairy tale for me... this is the year that God has finally answered my prayers of settling down with the man that i love...
january, david and i both went to the philippines for him to meet my mom, and my family
february, back in dubai... he proposed! and of course, i said "I won't................say NO!" ;)
march to july, wedding planning galore! by God's grace, we had a smooth flow planning, nothing of the drama that i have been warned of.
july 25, the big W day in the philippines! oh, everything was perfect! THANK YOU LORD!!!
august, went to US for our honeymoon!
sept, went back to work, preparing for Eid. in between, did home-hunt, and found the best one nestled at the heart of downtowb dubai..
october, still catching up with work, but peacefully settled with david in our new home. we did a house-warming treat for our friends ;)
and now, david and i celebrate our 3rd month together as husband and wife. there's just so much to celebrate and be thankful for. david is still the sweet miracle i once knew. each day with him is a wonderful discovery of treasures...
Lord, thank you for these three magical months. the cynics always say that 'yeah, honeymoon phase'... but i am optimistic that by God's grace, we will be able to continually enjoy this harmonious, loving and fun marriage...
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