
Filipino Front Pagers

Just recently, Manny Pacquio conquered the boxing ring again beating Miguel Cotto via a 12th round techinical knock out to become the first fighter in boxing history to win 7 world title in different weight divisions.

Just recently too, Efren Penaflorida won the hearts of the world over which won him the CNN Hero of the Year Award. However, unlike Pacman, Paqcquio's nickname, Efren's winning was not well publicized among the common Filipino masses, which is such a waste because his is a story that can inspire the littlest hero among us.

And today, we are front page here in a UAE national newspaper... why? Because of an infamous act of magnanimous level... election-related killing of almost 20+ reporters in one shooting at the south part of the Philippines. The world is saying they have not seen killing of media people of this level.

We cover the world dailies with different news... some victorious, some shameful. I just hope we do it more for the first reason...


Curtain Call

Still reeling from the harsh effects of recession, expats from Dubai are finding it hard to move on. Newspapers say that the economy is now improving, that more jobs will be created in the next months, that banks are now confident again to lend, etc. But all these maybe are just a spin doctor's campaign to manage the crisis. I guess, Dubai is doing its curtain call...

Every week, my prayer list always has "job-seekers". Many are long time, many are just recent. The feeling of paranoia is just so daunting that even the most stable man may find himself with emotions he is not familiar with.

Gathering from the various stories of people in the workforce like me, I can only say that truly, this recession has revealed the ugly face of consumerism/ capitalism. And what is that? The name itself says it. At the end of the day, it is money that really counts, and not the relationsips, not the human resources and not the skills. Many owners are turning into growling hungry tigers, who want the people under them to be turned into tigers as well, and threaten the people to do this, or else... The threat of "a lot of people are lining up for your post" is just so fiece, and so cold. Looking back, I think many of the employee empowerment programs were just a lie, a social blitz campaign to get all the brains it needed, just to be thrown away so easily when useless. Redundancy is such a convenient excuse for many companies.

This is the very cycle of the world that we are in that we fed ourselves with. More people spending, more jobs, more spending, more jobs... Vicious cycle. Cut it somewhere and you have recession. The good side is, we are back-to-the-basics.

There are a few laudable exemptions who have kept its corporate virtues and I really do admire them and these are the companies worth cutting paycheck for.


Fujairah, Baby!

Hubby and I, with another friend couple went to this one weekend getaway that I thought was just going to be like the rest. But I was wrong! Our trip to Fujairah was one trip that will be part of my list of memorables in UAE.

I packed so quickly for this trip the night before. There was less thinking, as hubby has been brushing off his spontaneity to me so strongly! I do not know what's gonna happen. All I know was that we'd stay overnight somewhere in Fujaira, and that hubby and friend will be playing tennis, while me and friend's wife will play... you guess it right, ball girls. Hehe. We did for a couple of minutes only, because we realized that we are distracting them more than helping them.

What was so nice about it? The destination? Not only, coz it starts with the journey itself. You will know that you are leaving dubai when you already see on the road these orange sand, and some camels ;) And a few kilometers more, you will get into this place where lots of carpets are sold. A pit stop. After that, we continued with the long drive (actually, just 2 hours total) and we're now amazed by the rocky mountains that replaced the sandy views!

When we got to this really nice Rotana hotel, we checked-in into a room where the balcony faces the... beach! I can hear the sound of the waves as it splashes to the shore! YOu will also know you're not in dubai anymore when there are no cranes nor construction in sight, which is really really relieving.

We had buffet dinner at the hotel restaurant and boy, was I so full at the end of the day! Selections were good and obviously this is the start of the peak season as reflected by the number of guests that evening.

The morning sun kissed my cheeks as we went down and headed to the beach as hubby did a second tennis match. He does not love tennis that much, really. I did snorkelling at the seashore and man was I impressed that I saw schools of fish at that shallow water! Later, we headed to the real snorkelling as part of the hotel perks! Great! This is my second time. We went to Snoopy Island and there, with snorkelling masks on and my flippers, I jumped onto the water and was transported into the magical world of "under the sea". I just loved looking at how these fish and other sea creatures swim around in packs or alone. I saw this rock-like fish, this beautiful blue-green huge fish, and others. I should say snorkelling is definitely one of my newest fave activities. The first time I did this at Maldives, I was just awed by the wonderful world down under.

On our way home to dubai, we did a side trip to the wadi wurayah. The trip to the destination was awesome, as we were driving thru this stony, rocky road, making my heart thump strongly at times as hubby drives across these huge rocks! However, the destination was not at all amazing. Maybe we went there when the pools are still dry. There were so many graffiti and trash. Hope guests will help in keeping it clean. The government has proclamed it as a protected area, and I hope that it will be restored soon.

Then we headed to the carpet place where lots of carpets stores line up the road. After haggling, we bought this nice long carpet for a cheap price that is now happily placed in our room ;)

After a seemingly longer trip back to dubai, as soon as we hit Dubai Bypass road, my heart sank...the adventure is over, and we are back to reality.


FB Status or Shoutouts, whatever!

August 23:
back in dubai... and it's ramadan :( :)

August 29:
went nostalgic when we had our first worship at the Villa last friday... it's good to be back 'home' ;)

September 1:
is still catching up with soooo much office load after 1 1/2 mos of vacation, so no ramadan timings for me....oh, the price you have to pay for enjoying to the max! haha!

September 23:
praise God for our new crib!!! let it be a home where the love and goodness of God dwells freely...

September 26:
thought for the day "if your heart is desperately against your job right now, pray for His will. but remember that His will can go either way... change of job or change of heart. be prepared to obey cheerfully" ;)

September 26:
praying for our kabayans who are stranded in manila flood that seemed to take everyone there by surprise! it was only signal no. 1, but the whole manila is almost drowning. even my family in cainta which is already considered a higher altitude... Lord, you're in control ...

September 30:
finally i was able to talk to my mom last night! tnx for your prayers! praise God they are ok and are already cleaning up ;) no more car and some house properties, but my family is complete and no illness! we have to remind ourselves on what really m...atters and thank God for it, or else it will halt us from moving on to the road of recovery... so my heart goes to those who lost their loved ones, be comforted in Him...

September 30:
Nanay (mom) who is already 63 years old said that she was amazed that she did not feel tired nor hungry in the process of lifting appliances up to higher place while flood was rising, until my other brother came to give them food early the next mor...ning. some call it adrenaline rush. i call it God's power rush! He provides ways beyond our imagination!

September 30:
flood overflowing in manila = prayers overflowing worldwide = love and care and help overflowing worldwide! such a small world after all!

October 1:
is wondering if typhoon Ondoy did not stop for 40 days...

October 7:
is finally clear from fever, sore throat, headache, body aches and dry cough! and yes, it's not H1N1. yehey! back to normal! ;) praise God!

October 10:
recent thoughts after flooding: 1. loved ones is 1 of our prized possessions; 2. lesser properties, faster to save self & others; 3. lesser properties damaged, easier for heart to move on; 4. more friends, faster recovery; 5. more people willing to hel...p if you let them. cultivate relationships w people, not with properties. don't wait for a calamity to teach us these valuable truths... maybe too costly and too late...

October 14:
is miraculaously a morning person now! even beating the sun before it shines!!!

October 24:
enjoyed beach time with the girls, while the guys rocked the desert!

.... and October 25
is blogging again after almost a yearlong hiatus.....

The Magical Three

wow, dec 2008 was my last entry??? have i been that lazy? not really. i should say, i've been that busy ;)

2009 has been some sort of a fairy tale for me... this is the year that God has finally answered my prayers of settling down with the man that i love...

january, david and i both went to the philippines for him to meet my mom, and my family
february, back in dubai... he proposed! and of course, i said "I won't................say NO!" ;)
march to july, wedding planning galore! by God's grace, we had a smooth flow planning, nothing of the drama that i have been warned of.
july 25, the big W day in the philippines! oh, everything was perfect! THANK YOU LORD!!!
august, went to US for our honeymoon!
sept, went back to work, preparing for Eid. in between, did home-hunt, and found the best one nestled at the heart of downtowb dubai..
october, still catching up with work, but peacefully settled with david in our new home. we did a house-warming treat for our friends ;)

and now, david and i celebrate our 3rd month together as husband and wife. there's just so much to celebrate and be thankful for. david is still the sweet miracle i once knew. each day with him is a wonderful discovery of treasures...

Lord, thank you for these three magical months. the cynics always say that 'yeah, honeymoon phase'... but i am optimistic that by God's grace, we will be able to continually enjoy this harmonious, loving and fun marriage...


Ecstatic! Excited! Frentic! Panic!

that's how i feel as i look at my planner for tomorrow until before i leave on the 26th...

tonight, we will have our bibles study at greens...

tomorrow, dec 17, dinner at chalet, one of david's fave rest along jumeirah...

thursday night, dec 18, 180 christmas party back-to-back with CnC shoebox stuffing night at kitty's...

friday, dec 19, morning at church, then labor camp distribution of shoebox, and then desert camping until sat morning!

saturday night, dec 20, room inspection of our boys and ladies' accommodation for the 'best room' awards!

sunday night, dec 21, bibles study with CnC, back-to-back with adventureland's annual staff party!

monday night, dec 22, special date night...

tuesday night, dec 23, christmas get-together with church mates...

wednesday night, dec 24, evening worship service...

thursday afternoon, dec 25, bonfire at jebel ali beach and send off david to the airport...

friday morning, dec 26, off to airport... YAHOO!!!

Gift Wrapping

if you are like me, then as of now, you must have done your christmas shopping, or at least you already have a list of presents to buy...i do not like to rush, and i do not like to fall prey to last-minute shopping, so as early as first week of december, i am already on the lookout for potential gifts ;)

i've always loved the gift-hunting process. it makes me think about my friends more than usual. i try to know what the person wants or needs thru house visits, casual conversation or direct questioning! oh yeah, i do that, right mano?

gift giving is so tricky. we always say, "it's the thought that counts", but does it? there are times when we receive gifts, and we'd think that he/she shouldn't have. literally. and many times, when we give, we assess it based on how the person will react. not everyone will appreciate gifts. others are openly blunt about their thoughts (balloons thoughts would be more preferred at these times...). but there are others who are realy good recipients-- they have the ability of making you feel right about your choice of gift. many times, you need that assurance as a giver.

i believe, whatever gift we receive, the mere fact that we received one, we should be thankful. the mere fact that the other person picked it up, wrapped it up and gave it to me meant that i was thought of, even if it is the same gift as the rest.

same goes that whatever gift we give, as long as we do not expect anything in return, and it is from the bottom of the heart, it will be well received.

do you recycle gifts? tricky topic eh? sometimes i do... but that is after years of not finding use for it.

so, here i am, for one week now, thinking, and wrapping and thinking and wrapping... and enjoying it!!! and it is a challenge how to compromise budget, quality and meaning into that package!


It's Hazy Again

oh, glad i got a glimpse of the clear skies the past days... because today, it's back to hazy skies!

just like many things... back to normal!


Airports I've Landed On

there are those who look at airports as just airports, just a passageway from one place to another... but i look at airport as a microcosm of community. gone are the days when airports are just "stopovers"... it now has a life of its own, bustling with many people from different countries passing by the airport for different purposes, and some can be really life-changing!

my first international flight was to HK in 1998, so we landed at hongkong international airport. it was so huge for a first timer, and i thought, airports can be sooooo intimidating. your first time will always be memorable ;)

Now, let me trace back all the airports i've been to:
- Changi airport, Singapore
- Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, going to singapore
- Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, going to Jakarta, Indonesia
- Dubai International Airport which felt like second home-airport to me, following our NAIA
- Carthage International Airport, Tunis, Tunisia
- Doha International Airport, Qatar
- Mohammed V International Airport, Casablanca, Morocco
- Frankfurt Airport, Germany
- Amsterdam Airport Schipol, Netherlands
- Suvarnhabumi International Airport, Bangkok, Thailand
- JFK International Airport, New York, US
- Port Columbus International Airport, Ohio, US
- Detroit Internationa Airport, US
- O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, US
- Orlando International Airport, Florida, US
- Cincinnati/ Northern Kentucky International Airport, US
- MSP International Airport, Minnesota, US

Not all landings have registed in my very capable memory, nor in my handy digicams. But there are some details that are etched in my mind, either because it is so nice, or so infamously terrible!

1. I was unpleasantly suprised at the JFK airport. very chaotic! Line was so loong at immigration, of course, I missed my flight to Cincinnati! And there was a typhoon that evening so all flights were cancelled for the next day! Good thing, I have Malou, Lex and Gabby (churchmates) in NY and they adopted me for that evening and even chauffered me to the airport the next day! ;)

2. I liked the 'econolighting' of the Frankfurt airport. LCD lights were beamed unto steel ceilings so the lights are effectively scattered even with just few lights on. talk about efficiency eh? Yes, I noticed that because I stayed there for 6 hours! what to do yani!

3. I liked the serenity and calmness of Cincinnati and Columbus Aiport. And here is where all the really 'white people' are in! Most of them sport simple running shoes and simple clothes.

4. I like the customer-friendly signs at HK, Dubai at Changi airports. And it's ok for me to have a stopover there for more than 3 hours coz there is just so much to do... and see... and buy! I am also amused by the fashion parade in these places.

5. I do not like the $3 per cart in most US airports... and we hated NAIA when they started charging?
6. I liked the view from the top when landing at Amsterdam Airport-- super picturesque! Plains draped with nicely lined and uniformly colored crops.
7. I liked the view from the top going to MSP because it is the first time i saw a place all covered with snow! ;)

8. Mohammed V really reminds me so much of NAIA! and hey, that was were i had been infamously left by the plane... uh huh! and that was because i do not speak arabic nor french, huhu!

9. Oh, I was so surprised i was intervied by a Filipino passport control officer at... Orlando Airport! Very welcoming!
10. I cannot forget how for all the entries and exits i did in US, i was always "the chosen" one ... SSS... that is, more disriminate screening. hmm, must be my passport?

11. I will not forget too how i kinda lost my composure at Detroit International Airport, when I realized I did not pass thru any immigration and I am already going out of US! I spoke with Immigration Officer asking for stamp, but he said not needed, and I spoke with KLM boarding officer, and I spoke with other people! Hmm, now i realized, when you go out of US, there is no immigration! Just give the white piece of paper to the airline guy when you are boarding the plane! plain and simple. saves manpower.

Did you know that when I was planning my recent trip to US, included in the factor were the stopovers ;) next time, i wanna have a stopover in London, France and Italy... hmmm

Despite all these landings into the differently-charaterized airports, the NAIA airport has its own enigma to me--- of course, that's where my home is! ;)

The Day I got my US Visa

for the longest time, i have always had it in my mind that i would like to go to US- the land flowing with milk & honey, the land where the pasture is greener....

when i started working in dubai, people have always prodded me to get my US visa from dubai because it is easier. but year after year, i've always found a reason to delay doing it... either it coincides with my trip to philippines, or my time in dubai does not permit, or many other reason i create to dilly-dally the process.

until this march 2008, with resolve, i told myself, "it's now or never". so i went online and started to go thru the tedious process of compiling documents to fill up the appointment form. my main reason then was for the convention that i will be attending on november. so i got a june appointment because i was thinking that july-sept, i would be in and out of morocco for our project. i got a june 29 appointment.

by first week of june, i was already nervous. what if i do not get it? what if they ask a lot of questions which i do not know how to answer? what if? what if???? david calmed me by saying "it is in God's hand. just be honest and give it your best shot." i felt comforted.

the day came that i had to line up as early as 6am outside the US consulate building in dubai. i lifted it all up to Him. many of the decisions does not come with a hard and fast rule anyways. so after all the security checks and document checks, i had come face-to-face with the consul. well, what i remember is that he is not as terrifying as how others perceive them to be. just poker-faced. part of the job i guess.

he just asked me the following questions after looking at my bank statements:
- what are you going to do in US
- how long have you been staying in the UAE?
- how long have you been staying in your company?
- what is your position and how much is your salary?
- have you been to another western/european country before?

that was it! and i got a piece of paper that says i got a visa! no need to look into our company profile, my list of suppliers to meet up with, and other documents i prepared "just in case"... at that point, i do not know yet what kind of visa, is it one time visa, 5-yr or 10 yr? but it doesn't matter, the important thing was, i got a visa! praise God!

and the best part was, when i got my passport4 days after, it was 10 year multiple entry, B1/B2!

so when did i first use it? august 15, when i visited david and his family in kentucky while he was there vacationing too! isn't it nice how God makes all these things to fall into the right place? amazing!

and yes, last november 14, i went to the convention which was my primary purpose of getting the visa....

you will never really know if you will get one or not. Mano got a mulitple entry even when she said that her husband is there working. one friend did not get it even if all the directions point to a her getting one...

so do not burden yourself with so much thinking with things that are out of your control. the only thing is... God knows ;)

Wishful Thinking

if i have it my way, here is how i want to spend my week...

i will only have 4 working days for my main career, that is monday to thursday. and then on friday, that is when i will do my fling careers such as being a receptionist, a fastfood attendant, a tour guide, a researcher, or any other that is not inline with my main line of work. this will keep me from boredom, burnt out, and will make me a well-rounded person. this will also give me the opportunity to live up my long-forgotten wishlist of things to do...

and then on saturdays, that will be my off day... meeting up with friends, lazy afternoons, doing charity works, etc.

and then sundays, that would be worship day...

now, i have to find a company that will allow me to work for only 4x a week... otherwise, this will just really be --> wishful thinking ;)