
All in a Day!

Early morning, I got a call that one of our company cars was missing…

Lunch time, I received an email from my boss that he did not like the presentation that I did yesterday...

Afternoon, I got an email from our finance head that as of september, our sales was 2% short from YTD budget...

Late afternoon, one of our staff cried to me telling me her sad fight with another staff...

Early evening, I chatted with a friend, and he said that his wife may possibly has a relapse of cancer…

A few minutes more, a friend told me she will not be able to take the board exam and she's so down…

Later, another friend from another side of the globe told me that she was out of work the past two months because of her illness…

Before the day closed, I got a call from a friend who is having an argument with her girlfriend for unwanted pregnancy....

And another call from a girlfriend asking for help so that she can really free herself from a wrong relationship....

I closed my eyes…i prayed... i am so glad that He is our strength at times like this, when all seems to go wrong, all in a day!

Lord, I lift them all up t you…and let me have a restful sleep...

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