
Forgive and Forget, yes.... but Help???

last week we've finished our exhaustive bible study on the life of joseph in CnC (college n careers) which we started wayback in february 2008. there were a hundred and one lessons which we can digest on, but one thing that really struck me is the lesson of forgiving, forgetting, AND helping and loving back. reading his story is like a very nice story to be told and to listen to... but to apply it in real life?... hmm, really takes much grace from God!

for many, forgiving is hard enough... and then add forgetting.......... and now, even help this very person who hurt you, who betrayed you, who caused so much pain to you?

there are only a few people who can hurt me so deeply, that is, my family and so-called close friends. because my principle is, i choose the people who will affect me, and if you do, it means i consider you close to me.

so the past years in my stay in dubai, i have been hurt so badly maybe just a handful of times. others are mere egotistical offenses, which, fortunately, i forget so easily.

he is one of those who has really let me down. i've forgiven him (even if he has not asked for it) and even forgot the offenses... but now, he is there knocking on my door for help, desperate and seeking...

should i shrug him off? should i lick old wounds? should i help him?

remembring again EB's words at CnC, "let us always think how Christ would act if He was in our shoes at this particular moment." i think i know what i have to do........

1 comment:

Mano said...

How true! This sounds so much like Pastor Dan's preaching, where he asked us to think of somebody who has done us wrong. He then asked us to forgive that person at that moment. I was able to do that since I already forgave her long time ago. ANd then he said, then now you have to love them. WHoa! That was a tall order! Indeed, only can by God's grace can we forgive, forget and love somebody who has offended us!