
Regret and Thanksgiving

i thank God for leading me to the church i attend to right now, but i regret not looking hard enough for it the past years...

i thank God for giving me the opportunities to be utilized for His kingdom, but i regret succumbing to lazyness during the first months...

i thank God for the faithful people i encountered who stand as witnesses of His grace, but i regret having prejudiced them at one point in time...

i thank God for opening my eyes to more of His wondrous truths in His words and in the faithful preaching of the words, but i regret missing worship days and missing devotion times...

i thank God for the families and friends who came to know Him, but i regret passing up the opportunity to witness to others...

i thank God for keeping me in the race, but i regret the times when i lost the battle and stayed limping when He has given me all the provisions to stand up...

as the year closes, i wanna thank, honor and worship our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for all these spiritual gifts and graces which i am unworthy of...

as to my regrets, i sincerely ask for His forgiveness. i also ask for His mercy and grace to make right the wrongs of yesterday... welcome 2008!

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