and this year, for the first time in my stay in the UAE, i am having a real christmas. it used to just pass me by coz i usually work for it's not an official holiday here.
dec 7, we started with the distribution of the shoeboxes to the brethren, which went on until dec 21..
dec14, the
dec 15, had a sumptuous lunch at Boardwalk with the Edifice people, and our boss, Mr. Shahram Forouhgi...
dec 24, afternoon, we had our office party for the first time too...

dec 24 evening, went to a friend's family to celebrate christmas eve the pinoy-style way...
dec 25 lunch, long-distance calls to my family in the philippines...

dec 25 afternoon, bonfire at jumeirah with the church mates...
dec 25 dinner, with close friends mano, j, constance, kate and brett at mercato....
Hope you had a great christmas too!!! however which way you celebrated it, may we not drown the real meaning of christmas--- our Saviour was born so that He may give up His life and shed His blood for the rdemption of our souls... that is the best gift anyone can have!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
thanks for making my Christmas and new year too. without you, i probably would have slept through the whole thing ;)
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