
Out of College

you're reading it right-- out of college. that exactly how i feel right now! as i venture into the unknown tomorrow, i am anxious but excited in equal measure at the prospects ahead. 2007 has been quite a whirlwind of major events in my life, which culmated in january 2008 when dad passed away. and then i knew, major changes will happen, and i have to do that leap of faith in Him and accept with open arms the new life that He will send my way...

if you know me, you'll understand my trepidation. i've always been a planner, a "segurista". and whatever iota of uncertainty the future shows, it rattles me. i am not talking about small plans, coz i can be very flexible with that, nor small adventures coz believe me, i love adventures. but i am talking about life plans. life plans that may kick me out of my comfort zones.

at the same time, i am thrilled at the thought of new beginnings. i never realized life is full of so many choices! wayback when i was really out of college, my only category of choice was -- which company should i apply for? my feet and hands then were itching for real work. and now that i've passed thru work life for 13 yrs now, i realized there is more to life than work, work, work. it's not too late to start anew i guess. i have a second chance at being out of college coz anyways, they say i am still 25 ;)

so whatever the future holds, i am at peace now knowing that God is there.

and if in case i choose the wrong path, He will be compassionate enough to bring me back to the right tract. i am His child and i believe He wants the best for me.

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