
Can Lovers be Friends? Part Two

after reading my previous blog, a close friend posted the reverse situation question: "Can lovers be friends?"

in the first place, those who are in the relationship should be friends with each other. the element of friendship has more permanence than romance, glueing it together when sparks fly outside the window. we all know how 'romance' is very fickle, and sadly oftentimes equated by couples to their commitment--> that is, if the romance is gone, and so does commitment. wrong.

now, going beyond the scope of a relationship: "Can former lovers be friends?" hmmm... again, it depends on how the parting away has been. if it is was REALY amicable, this can happen, otherwise, do not force the issue. do not open a can of worms. do not hold on to the ideal but accept the real thing. reality bites, and moreso former lovers. haha! this poisonous end is what makes us afraid of getting into a relationship with a good friend. so it's good to be careful, discerning and... resilient ;)

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