

would you have thought that one of the most prevalent problem here in dubai is----- crossroads??? nah, i'm not talking about two intersecting physical roads, but i am talking about the point in one's life when you are in the middle of different paths in your life, and you do not know what to do, what you want and where to go.

when i had mine some months ago, i cherished every moment of it. maybe it's because i really like adventures or simply because i have no choice. but now i understand why. it is because God would use me to help out friends and brethren who are experiencing it now (and i didn't know there would be a handful of them... they just would not talk until you hit the right button!)

crossroads usually happen when we (1) actively look for other options, or (2) when an option is thrown our way, or (3) when we simply want a way out of our daily routine. routine is something our parents did not have to worry about then. you can see more of them doing the same job for 20-30 years! but our generation is so restless! restless with uncertainties! restless with options! restless with routines! restless with controlling the future! i believe what really is so daunting about this period is that we do not know what lies ahead. we hate not knowing what will happend. we hate not knowing the answer. we just hate it when we thought that we are too smart not to see our plans carried out as we want it. it is at this period when i humble down and confer with Him who is all-knowing ;)

so how do i deal with crossroads? firstly, i check what really is the root of it. is it the unquenchable desire for more, more, more? the answer is stop, stop, stop. or is it the desire to shift lanes and go to a more peaceful path? the answer is pray for acceptance of this seemingly simple road. or is it a desire to try other options beyond what i nornally do. the answer is to pray for courage to face this new path.

identifying this will help me solve how i want to deal with it. along the way, i always talk to our Father, pray over it, sometimes just for a couple days, sometimes, months, it depends. i sometimes even struggle with Him. i also ask prayers and opinions from people i am really close with and who can understand my struggles. do not underestimate the wisdom and encouragement of others. and when i reach to the point when i am at peace with my decision, i just let Him surprise me with His masterplan.

As what Proverbs 2:6-10 says

"For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds victory in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones. Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul."

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