
It Had to Rain

it has been raining in dubai and sharjah the past days... many would really loathe the idea. what with flooding, and traffic everywhere! the thunder and lighting were not as exciting too.. it actually made me nervous as i was not used to it anymore..

but then, it had to rain...

after the rain... for the first time, i can see Burj dubai (the tallest tower in dubai) from a road in sharjah! for the first time, i am seeing the dubai skyline! for the first time, i am seeing lots of very nice cottony clouds. for the first time, i am seeing blue skies!!!! for the first time, it does not feel so heavy outside...

yes, it had to rain... for us to see the beauty of many things that is covred by the grey thick clouds...

it may not be fun when it rains... but now, it's ok... it had to rain...

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