"Eid al-Adha or Feast of Sacrifice is the most important feast of the Muslim calendar. It concludes the Pilgrimmage to Mecca. Eid al-Adha lasts for three days and commemorates Ibraham's (Abraham) willingness to obey God by sacrificing his son. Muslims believe the son to be Ishmael rather than Isaac as told in the Old Testament. Ishmael is considered the forefather of the Arabs. According to the Koran, Ibrahim was about to sacrifice his son when a voice from heaven stopped him and allowed him to sacrifice a ram instead. The feast re-enacts Ibrahim's obedience by sacrificing a cow or ram. The family eats about a third of the meal and donates the rest to the poor. "
Interesting eh? what's more interesting is that it took me almost 5 years to have the curiosity to know what this means! haha! talking about cultural immersion huh! and what's more surprising is that, most of my colleagues who've been here too for the last 5 years also don't know what this means!
Today, they are celebrating the second day of Eid al Ahda. The nearest that I could relate this to in the christian world is the celebration of the birth of Christ, in terms of pomp, merry making and 'spirit'.
Prayers. New clothes. Great feastings. Family gatherings. Ideya (gifts) abounds. Helping the poor. Invasion of the malls and entertainment centers. Luxurious dinings. More forgiving with one another.
For us in Adventureland, being a family entertainment center, it means the busiest days of the year ending each day at around 1 am!
this year, it coincides with the christian world's New Year! so our staff, being the sentimental race that we are, would have to find ways and means to connect with our loved ones without sacrificing our works. Oh, but i don't worry about Pinoys coz we will always find a way...
Back home in the Phils, i can already hear the firecrakers here and there... the crushed tin cans hanging by the moving cars creating that loud happy noise... endless blowing of the kiddie 'torotot' for a safe welcoming of the new year... and to the affluent parts in Manila, the delightful fireworks!
i guess whatever belief you are into, TODAY will find you in a merryment mode! and as for me, it goes beyond... it is first a remembrance and a thanksgiving for the year that had been, and and a feast for a blessed new year ahead...
A meaningful new year to all of us! Cheers!