excitement for the new things, for the new challenges, new friends, new routines, new expereinces... fear for regret, unmet expectations, for bad experiences, or worse, uncertainties...
i myself am preparing for a 180-degrees shift not only in gear, but in the lane for the next years... but i guess, however much i prepare myself for it, i'd still be a human at best. the leap of faith is easier said than done... but it has to be done...
since i climbed up my 3rd decade, i have since desired for a slow lane... maybe because i am growing old, or maybe because i already knew how it is to be in a fast lane, and how it is not possible to shift to a slower gear while in a fast lane...
fast lanes have given birth to the word stress, mental fatigue, burn out, and the infamous words 'busy' and 'no time'. it also ushered more independent women, successful singles beyond 30, and working moms, working parents. and for all the enterpreneuring spirits, it spelled spa, physical wellness, daycare centers, personal shoppers, shieks, etc.
despite all these, how come many are squeezing themselves into this lane? well, for many things that the slow lane may not offer. financial freedom. career boost. travel perks. fame. etc.
i've tried to shift to a lower gear while in the fast lane, and try to get the best of both worlds. it can be done, but still, it was very difficult. either you get honked continuously, or you catch up with double the effort that defeated the purposes of your slowing down, or ultimately get bumped out of the race... i remained there for the rest of my twenties, starting when i was still fresh from college, so full of ideals, ambitions and zest!
each lane i guess has its own merits and demerits, depending on your goals and visions in life...
as for myself, i would like to try the slow lane... to really stop and smell the roses... and for whatever uncertainties there are, i just have to comfort myself that my God is already there!
i truly agree with this. i have been in the fast lane this year...so fast that it's true i forgot to smell the roses and see it's beauty.
u nail it right on the head. u lucky you smelled the roses, i bet not many get that opportunity like u did. well thanks fo rthe thoughts, this defintely will eb an eye opener for some...bessie
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