
My New Year's Resolution

since college, i've always had this list, however much i barely remember them when mid-year comes...

for this year, nothing much changes i guess from my past year's resolutions...

1. Know, love and enjoy God more... daily devotions, worships and fellowships

2. Always see each unpleasant circumstance as an opportunity to exercise faith... oh, this happens daily!

3. Be more available to serve others...however which way
4. Be physically fit (discipline in food and exercise... so that i can have more of no. 3

5. Live simply, stress-free and wrinkle-free... and fool others with my age (haha!)

6. Be focused... and eliminate distractions (do not compromise!)

7. Memorize 52 verses... and use them always

8. Accomplish other worthwhile activities... learn how to play the piano, join volunteer works, enroll in educ class during summer and finish watercolor paintings

9. Visit and explore historical sites in Egypt and Europe

10. Save for a worry-free looonnnnggg vacation in 2008 (oh, i like this thought!)

just writing this list makes me already excited for the year to come... tickles me like crazy! haha!

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!! I pray for a more meaningful new year to all of us!

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