
Visit Visa Holder dilemna in UAE!!!!

here they go again... this is how fast they can change policies here! and now, where will all the filipino visit visa holders go????

No work visa for visitors
By Ahmed Abdul Aziz
4 September 2007

ABU DHABI – The Ministry of Labour (MoL) will not approve work visa applications for workers who have entered the UAE on visit visas, according to Saleh Al Jabri, head of the Firms Department in the MoL. “It is a clear violation of the Labour law as visitors are not allowed to work on visit visas,” he pointed out.
Al Jabri told Khaleej Times that any company desirous of employing an expatriate should obtain a temporary work permit or employment visa, not visit visa.
In case of violation, the employers would risk Dh10,000 fine and suspension of transactions for six months.
Sources at MoL said that the ministry had recently rejected an application that had been initially approved by the Abu Dhabi Naturalisation and Residency Department (ADNRD) because the company had sought to hire employees on visit visas.

link: http://www.khaleejtimes.ae/DisplayArticleNew.asp?xfile= data/theuae/ 2007/September/ theuae_September 118.xml§ion=theuae&col=


Paquito said...

Well: they have rules and they do their best to apply them... It's normal: If I enter into a country as a tourist, then I could commit fraud trying to stay in that country if a company explicitly doesn't require my services...

In the US is the same but they make you sign the famous paper 'cause, if you try to stay into the country, out of violating the law, as you signed up you wouldn't stay out of 90 days, then they can charge you more years in jail...

Interesting stuff anyway: thanks for the info :-)

Paquito's World

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