in one of my dinners with other friends, both guys and gals, singles and married, we had this interesting discussion on why there are so many single ladies in the philippines... i came up with a theory.
population-wise, there is a ratio of 4 guys to 6 ladies. among the 6 ladies, 2 are married and 4 are single. among the 4 guys, one is married, one is gay, one is partner of the gay, and one is single. so, do your math! that means, for every single guy, there are 4 single ladies. and now, with the emergence of the 'demi moores', the once-married ladies are now going after the 1 single guy, against all the 4 eligible ladies! wow, slim chance! haha!
but this does not bug me, as one of my good guy friend told me once, "it is not on the ratios nor proportions, but on our God who designs everything!" amen to that! he is not just being a little theological about it, but being realistic actually. single guys and gals are not statistics, but human beings with emotions to consider for their choices of a lifetime partner.
in so many ways, being single here i guess is more blessed against our counterparts in countries where arranged-marriages is the order of the day for those who has stepped on their 20s! when you are female at 25 and still single, it is already a real curse, and so the parents of the ladies need to knock on the doors of the parents of the single guys and may even line up with the other 'applicants'. but this is not 'weird' for them, but a part and parcel of their culture.
therefore, in the end, i think i will also debunk my own theory! the ratios and proportions theory is just a comical and easy way of looking at my situation. as they say, it doesnt hurt to put humor on yourself sometimes...
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