here i go again... reading another 'strong' hollywood couple heading to splitsville! when kate hudson and hubby split a few months ago, i was squashed. and now, reese witherspoon and hubby ryan, when just last week i read how they've remained loving as ever thru the years. these are not your regular couples who just do things to fill in a controversy page. so why do they tear apart? why is the world full of unencouraging stories for singles like me?
even among the lesser mortals like my league, splits are as many, as real, but less public, but extent of damage can be of the same intensity. i just realized, reasons have gone awry and surprisingly creative in recent years! the new lifestyle has given birth to 'i need to focus on my career', 'i want to explore more', 'i can't imagine getting tied down to a single partner', 'we need to see others to test if we are really for each other', and all other shity stuff. and no more have i seen very brittle relationships than now, with break up catalysts ranging from as simple as an ordinary argument, to lack of time with each other, to fizzling out of excitement to as worse as the appearance of the ugly third party! where are the winners of the test of time, test of trials and temptations? are they so rare in this generation?
i have known some to have even bannered what they did and called it the freedom of the century-- being able to walk out of a ruining relationship. they say breaking up are more common now adays because women are more aware of their rights, and have ceased suffering in silence. some men, on the other hand have welcomed this as it means more partners in a short lifetime! how twisted! it has made jumping into and out of a relationship such a walk in the park! to some, split ups are such a mastered craft!
however it is easy for some, we have to accept the fact that in every break up, there is always pain. and to mask the pain, some couples even go to the extent of stating an 'amicable' separation, only to start public betrayals months after. it is such a sad story of a love gone sour... and worse, gone bitter...

so in the end, when couples split, is it a story of regret, or a story of freedom?
my antidote to the emphatic sadness i feel whenever i learn of couples splitting, are the few couples i personally know who have gone against the tides of the times. they unwaveringly give me back my faith in love. as for me, relationships will always be a jewel left untarnished, as how God wanted it to be. so jumping into it takes time, effort and lots of thinking.... because i am terrified of even the tell-tale signs of splitsville!
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