"...worried about the shrinking population and a birth rate at a post-war low in 2005, the government in September introduced the law to encourage working couples to have children. babies born on or after Jan 1 2007 qualify for the new baby incentives. parents who take time off fro work to care for newborns can receive two-thirds of their net monthly salary upto a maximum of 1,800 euros for 12 mos. if the other parent takes a further two months off, the benefit is extended to 14 months. -- reuters"
this could have been heaven-sent news to many Pinay moms who would like to be stay-at-home moms and enjoy rearing their babies!!! but this is meant for... Germans!
i was awed when i read this in Gulf News, Jan 2 2007 issue. you see, i came from a country where baby-making is never a problem... in fact, controlling it is the problem. just like in the philippines, china had a problem with population explosion, thus the controversial 'one child policy' was inked. it solved one problem, but surely created other problems...
i spoke with european friends, and most of them said, it is a trend there because of career boom among women, and increased physical consciousness of the moms. you see, it is not even about giving a good future because the government will take care of the education and other benefits. selfish maybe, but still, i do not know much to judge.
just like the UAE locals here... they seem to have difficulty doubling their population, when the government have already given all the possible benefits for doing so!
i guess no country can really have it all...
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