
Touch and Go

" Hold on tight'
Cause life is touch and go
It's sink and swim, But never doubt
If you're out on a limb
I'll get the call
To break your fall
I'll never leave you
Even when life
Is touch and go
Or hit and run
We'll never break
If we take it as one
I'm here to stay,
I pray you know
I'll never touch
I'll never touch and go"

so goes a famous 1980's love song... recently, i've had more than my share of encounters of people coming in and going out of my life. that's what so unique about my expatriate life experience here in dubai. the only permanent thing is change. even friends come and go (well, some just physically, coz there are a few gems i've kept until today)... jobs come and go.... opportunities come and go... men come and go...

but if you look at it at half-full glass perspective, it has made me appreciate and treasure each moment more, knowing that "life is touch and go"... and more importantly, it has made me clung to Him more and surrender to Him more, whom i can count on when "life is touch and go"...

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