
Up Close and Personal

i think i got this inquisitive bone from my dad... i do not normally pass up opportunties to meet with people, either old friends or new alike. i consider every encounter a big opportunity and a privilege. i am always curious to know how God has dealt wonderfully with them, either in good or bad times. i get excited with people the way some get excited with fashion, with cars, with gadgets, with sports, with investments. i ask a lot. i learn a lot. i see precious souls within. sometimes i confuse them a lot too, or they confuse me back. then, at the end of each meeting, it's like i'm living ten new lives...

lately, i've been going to different small get togethers. each one is unique in its own. i've met so many wonderful people who has touched my life in one way or another. some i did not have a good start with, but we ended up well anyways. some were hard nuts to crack. dubai, being a melting pot of cultures, will open your eyes to different point of views and i celebrate the diversity of it all! they have different stories to tell about their lives here, about struggles, about victories, about life-changing moments and the ever-present roadblocks! i am even surprised to know that those who seemed to appear having a problem-free life, are actually a testimony of "peace in the midst of storm"!

and what struck me also are the stories of seemingly "random acts of kindess" which we often hold back because of past pains and mere laziness. it's really true that God works thru us in answering prayers of others. so do not hold back that thought of sending sms to comfort someone, or stopping and entertaining a directionally-challenged person, or simply popping up "hey how are you?" to a friend, or thinking of giving food to someone, or even saying the long-delayed "pls forgive me" to a hurt person...

i realized it's really equally blessing to go out of your comfort zones and try to start a conversation, which in the end may turn to something up close and personal...

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