
Need a Raise?

when you are stuck in a job with a salary that has not climbed an inch after 2-3 years, what would you do? (1) sulk and let it reflect on your work until your boss notices it and hopefully talk to you, (2) get angry and vent in on a resignation letter, or (3) talk to your boss about it?

the first one is the defeatest attititude and the most childish, yet many people buy it! why? because it is the easiest thing to do, leaving the 'guilt' to the other party without ever having to do confrontation. it's a wait-and-see game.

the second one is, as what was written, a 'resigned' move! putting an exclamation mark even before exploring the 'whys' and 'hows' impairs the understanding of both parties. but many also are sold here because, again, no confrontation is needed. no need to act 'seemingly' needy. and besides, one may think "i should not be begging for my salary increase?"

the last option is the road taken by those who have the balls to face the consequences. and this is the fair move in giving the management an opportunity to hear one's side. just a word of caution: make sure you do this professionally. do away with loud confrontations. the goal is to be heard, and not to argue.

and i am not just talking about salary raise here. but i guess this applies to many aspects of our life as well... settling issues with spouse... settling issues with friends... settling issues with those in authority... settling issues with the family... in all these, we have the 3 options to choose from, and i hope, we'll always use the best option. it will not always result to what you wanted, but it will help you avoid regrets!

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