This time, i am so excited to know what is happening inside. so, all of us 5 girls (no guys allowed) got into the car and drove to their place. after a 10-min drive, we stopped by a Women's Club building, where we were informed that the wedding is happening in one of the halls. (i thought we were going into a house!) so there we walked past thru a lady guard who ushered us inside this huge ballroom.
when we entered, my first reaction was "oh my!" my eyes feasted on the reverly happening around. there were about 300 all-lady guests. and in contrast to their usual all black abayas, most were in their model-bests! while one of the kabayans was preparing our table, we just stood there in awe, as our eyes scan through the room full of prettily made-up gals, most in their runway gowns and expensive salon-finished hair and make-up. it was a refreshing change from an all-black daily encounter with them. i am a minimalist by nature, so this play of bold colors, rich textiles and complicated designs is visually challenging for me. as our colleague approached us and introduced us to her relatives and friends, i couldn't help but stare at each one. beyond those thick make-up, i can see the raw beauty they are known for. it's not everyday in dubai that you can see their faces! my colleague was in her grand gown, no sheela (head dress) so we can see how fluidly her hair cascades at her back each time she moves. her gown was a play of fushia and yellow, laces, satin and silk, and her gold jewelries were sparkling so proudly around her neck, wrists and back of her palm! that's not all... her make up is so overly excessive in my standard, but it is somehow just right for them. .. take note, she is just the sister of the groom... i wonder how the bride looks like... hands have been itching to take photos, but i was politely warned that it was not allowed... too bad... but here's four that i got with permission.

all the time we were there, the bride was just up there on the stage, where friends and relatives go up to her. even with my 20-20 vision, 50 meters was too far to guage whether the bride was as gorgeous as the rest. the stage itself was done tastefully, typical of middle eastern grandeur. the all-female singers just went on and on with their arabic songs, which ranged from mellow to upbeat, putting all these lovely girls in their dancing shoes. it was as if i was watching the "Cleopatra" movie scene of festivies, in flesh!

at 12 midnight, after an arabic chant whose meaning we can't decipher, we noticed all the girls started wearing back their abayas. i thought the event is finished. just then, the gate was opened, there were boys throwing in confettis, and olders guys surrounding a tall, handsome guy in brown attire. we realized, he was the groom! as if heralding the arrival of the groom, the guests (now in their abayas and sheelas) threw rose petals at his pathwalk. until finally, he was united to his bride. and all the relatives came up to them to bid their wishes to the newly married couple. i asked if they have any ceremony. my friend said there is none for this day 3 of the wedding, well, i am not sure if i got the correct answer...
later, before we left, we were given the chance to see the couple up-close. maybe they were shocked to see us as we were the only 'aliens', or maybe they were just really happy that's why they were speechless. whatever. what i remembered was that the couple looked great! the bride is beaming in rich white gown, while the groom is dashing as he is.
we left shortly after 12 midnight, as if leaving a grand ball. the other guests have already ransacked the chocolate baskets as take away treats, the flowers from the bouquets have been mercilessly pulled off, and the trolley of 6 huge perfume bottles that they usually offer to guests have been substantially reduced.
after describing to you how grand the 3rd day of the wedding was, don't ask us how much it costed... we're not gonna tell...the only clue i can give you is that it can already buy me a house and lot in Laguna... ;)
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