
Worry Lines Across the Miles

when super typhoon milenyo hit manila some two weeks ago, i was placed on a spot where i thought i was totally defenseless. this is just one of those times when living on the other side of the planet while your loved ones are endangered is such a cruel situation to be in...

on moments like this, i have learned to be more human and yielding to God! i came to know that there's nothing more powerful than the God who sees everything, knows the future, and genuinely cares for all His sheep! and there is nothing more comforting than putting your faith in that God... all these years, He has been so merciful in keeping my loved ones safe, and in keeping me from insanity from mental torture...

only phonecalls and text messages kept me hopeful that all of them are safe. but i realized, they do not tell you really the exact truth of what's happening. it's a bitterwseet truth that we overseas workers have to fully grasp with. many times, i hear my colleagues in heated arguments with their families shelling out hundreds of dollars over a long distance phone call with 'why didn't you tell me' lines... and the cliche answers are 'we don't want you to be worried, unless we know it is really something to be worried about'. it's actually sweet, but many times we do not see it that way. on the other hand, i also oftenly hear the lines 'hey, you don't need to tell me everything. you can handle those problems, i've tons of that myself here'... haha! damn if you do, damn if you don't...

realizing how difficult it is to handle such sensitive information, i promised myself not to rant at my loved ones if they do not tell, nor take for granted when they tell... i am on the same boat anyways, as i find it difficult telling my mom when i am sick here, or when i feel lonely, or when i am going insane... i just told my mom to promise me to tell me exactly whatever is happening with them back home, however mundane the stories are. on the other hand, i didn't exactly give back the same promise to her though... well, i have my reasons...

ignorance is bliss... but knowledge is power... it's a tricky balancing act!

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