...i was thinking on how i'd fulfll my teaching dream when i am so far away from home. two years from now, i picture myself free from all worries and just enjoying my time with my kiddie studes. sunday school for kids is a very good training ground i guess ... so what am i doing here in dubai? what if i had stayed back home?... maybe i'd be part of a UN mission force globe trotting for humane causes...
"Lord, i should have told her Your story when i had the chance"... oopps, thoughts about me having my hubby and kids flashed too! a happy thought ... but hey, i need to help expand the current business size of our company. as they say, strike while the iron is hot and maybe get the chance to travel to the mediterranean! ..."was it a mistake that i let him go?"... i am also seeing images of me on a christian charity work in some far-flung areas in the Philippines...
then images of a serene ocean, white sandy beach and me on a hammock while reading my favorite book while my family is back there at the cottage enjoying every sweet second of our rare reunion ...
oh no no no! i don't like to see those thoughts of regrets, no don't entertain that brain!... "why did i not hit back on that audit firm manager who fails to release our audited financial report?"... flashbacks on my holiday trip with my mom sifted through... and oh, i am having a great dinner with my friends Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Joey and funny Phoebe! Cool man!
this is what happens when real and surreal meets and competes for my attention... and ultimately robs me off my dear sleep! but a little later, when surreal becomes 'so real' in my dreams, oh that is a delightful recompense! ;)
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