just last week, one of my bosses was muttering about their election in france. and now, it's our turn in the philippines...
12 senatorial slots are up for grabs (6-yr term)... and so with the house of representatives (3 yr-term) and of course the local positions...
i already voted twice since i got the right. my first was a celebration of my adulthood, and the next was as usual as my daily breathing...
and this time, i am very pathetic! and most of my colleagues are! we did not even exercise our absentee voting privilege! in a way, i can say it wasn't my fault, since i really planned on going home last april... talking about blame-shifting eh? still, i would eagerly wait for the initial partial unofficial results tomorrow.... i would like to know who among the celebrities were able to make it, hahhaha! and would the Team Unity (TU) make it despite the obvious strength of the Genuine Opposition (GO)?
i hope that the results will reflect a more educated voting class... or else, there goes another of our money down the drain, and the kids' future becoming so bleak. even if i do not pay taxes anymore, i still care.