what is it then that we can enjoy in this stage in our life?
rest from heartaches - we are spared of the heartaches of being cheated, of losing a loved one, of heated arguments, of misunderstandings, etc. i guess the only heartache at this stage is when the guy we like, do not like us back, which is kinda minute compared to the ones stated above. it is basically a 'peaceful' stage, a needed plateau to the highs and lows of being in a relationship...
freedom - ask some of your married friends, and they'd tell you what that means ;)
decision-making - there are some things which are better off being decided by only one mind... where to go, what to eat, what to wear, what time to leave, what to watch, what to buy, etc.
time for our personal growth - we would like to accomplish much, and with more choices coming up, i think this is the right time to do them without much distractions! you want to study again? go! you want to switch jobs? go! want to shift gears? go! want to expand your travel portfolio? go! and the choices goes on and on...
time for others - why would the singles be tasked to take care of their younger siblings, or their parents, or be called on by friends? or be asked for a church ministry? it's because, we have more time! and time is such an expensive commodity nowadays which we are rich with! just don't be a corporate slave and be married to your job, or else you'll lose this privilege.
disposable income - we wouldn't be called the favorite titas for nothing? haha! this is also the time when guilt does not bite us if we have 2 pairs of our fave stilletos in different colors, or think of milk or diaper when we are looking at a killer bag on sale!!! nor our hands fighting between a much-desired out-of-town trip and the tuition fee for the 'kids'...
excitement at things - attending gatherings, new hobbies, meeting new friends, etc. excitement can be at an all time high, especially if prospects are available ;) plus, no guilt-feeling attached.
opportunity to widen our circle of friends - singlehood is usually the time when we widen our circle of friends because we have the opportunity and the drive to do so. friends from elem, high school and college, work colleagues, hobbies, orgs... we lose some on the way, and we retain some, until we are old enough and bruised enough to just be happy with our 'genuine' circle of friends...
service to our married girlfriends - they usually call on to us if they want some color in their lives! we regale them with our latest adventures. we provide the twist in their daily routines. we give them what they cannot buy for themselves. we provide the shoulder to cry on when the couples have misunderstandings. we lend a ready helping hand in whatever situation we are called, and other services which we are capable of giving because we are singles.
i do not know which of these are true for you, but these are just some of the things I can think of at the moment. the point is, let us always count our blessings as a single, and use it to prepare us fully, if and when the right time comes for God's blessing for the next stage -- of marriage.