
Flying Alone?

April 18.

After facing the embarrassment talking to my boss about my passport, I was glad that God provided other means for me to make it the next day.

Passport. CHECK!!!
New flight. Check.
Roaming phone. Check.
All morocco contact nos in the wallet. Check.
Separate wallet for Moroccan money. Check.
All other things prepared the other night. Check.

Then later he called me again. He asked “Are you afraid to fly alone?” Hmmm…. Now that he mentioned it, it finally sank into my thoughts.... "yeah, i'd have to fly alone????" I became terrified... new territory, arabic and french speaking, a handful of pinoys only, and it's an 8-hr flight from UAE! whew!

I held on to my God who is my comfort... and it never fails! ;)

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