
Awakening the sleeping bookworm

mano is such a bookworm! every time she goes to the mall, she does not go home sans a book. and even her habibi is such an avid reader. and the more i spend time with her, the more i get brushed with this passion. i guess she has just awakened the sleeping bookworm in me! such a nice positive influence...

she gave me "tuesdays with morrie" last april, and it spoke strongly to me. and "teacher man" for my birthday which is my current read. she lent me colayco's book on investment, and the expat's guide to managing your money, and it enlightened me on many practical matters. and when she left for oman, i saw on her bed "rich dad, poor dad" which i breezed thru in 2 days! she also made me reminiscent and laughing out loud with abnkkbsknpl of bob ong! when we had a book sale at the church, we both bought "a woman after God's own heart" which i've finished a few weeks after. and i'm also done with "the devotionals for women" which has seasoned my thoughts with the essentials.

now, i enjoy more my bible reading. i enjoy my devotions. we discuss many things over a cup of coffee from our latests reads. i can't let a week pass without reading something, or let a moment pass, whether i am waiting for something, riding the car for a long drive, having my foot massage or lulling my mind to sleep. i always have bathroom books too! now, i get excited with bookstores. i get high with the sight and smell of books, old or new. mano and i enjoy quiet moments together - with good reads on hand! of course, this is squeezed within the time with my old friends -- the journals, the internet and the magazines.

i think i am already having information overload... but the reality is, the more i realize i know so little coz there is so much more to be learned out there! it's great to be a bookworm ;) thanks mano! i'm gonna read your "princess diary" soon. it is a shocking and revealing true accounts of a saudi arabian princess... and more book adventures to us!

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