
Does Life Imitate Art?

Scene 1: three months ago, afghan president is pressured to release its 5 terrorist prisoners in exchange for 1 italian reporter. he did.

Scene 2: the world community condemned this act.

Scene 3: two weeks ago, the terrorists kidnapped south korean christians riding a bus in ghazi province in kabul-khandar hi-way in afganistan. the demands --> release 8 taliban prisoners held by kabul, afghanistan government and pull out the korean armed forces in afghanistan.

Scene 4: kabul government did not heed.

Scene 5: talibans killed one hostage, the pastor. taliban pressured korea to pressure afghanistan, or else the remaining 22 will be killed. new deadline set.

Scene 6: kabul government said they will not release taliban prisoners.

Scene 7: talibans killed another hostage, and threatens to kill the others.

Scene 8: south korea pleads US intervention. others blame US for angering the talibans in 2001. korea government is in hot seat in deciding on this issue.

Scene 9: to be continued.....

i can't belive that what i am seeing are actual footages ad what i am reading are real stories, and not scenes from a movie. the sad thing is knowing that this does not end within 2 hours of reel-time. and that there is no assurance of victorious ending.

all i can do for now is to pray on bended knees, and seek the mercy of the Highest authority.

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