
Friendster vs Facebook


i love friendster. i've touched-based with my long lost friends even wayback in elementary, in yes, friendster! how amazing can it be? it surprises me with the extent of its reach among the pinoy circle all over the world! it used to be the number one online social site, but it slid down and gave way to myspace. no. 1 or no. 2, just the same, when it comes to hooking up with my ex-classmates, ex-officemates-- nothing beats friendster! the true filipino online community! almost all people i know has an account, young ones and young once alike!

whenever i want to wile away time, i go to friendster and look at profiles and pictures of friends, or friends of friends, or friends of friends of friends... got it? i like flicking thru the pages of friends and strangers as well, and how they are doing now in life. new parents usually have their baby's photos on the first pic! newly weds have wedding pics, or the pre-nup pics and honeymoon pic, mala hollywood romance movies! those 'in a relationship' of course would banner who they are with at the moment! and the singletons---- their pets, travels, pamangkins and what-have-yous!

i am amazed at the 'how you are related' portion of friendster! i can't believe that my friend is also a friend of my friend! talking about 6-degrees of separation or in this case, relativity huh!

so now, whenever we take pictures here in the office, we make sure it is 'pang friendster'! haha.


i also like facebook. salawahan! haha! blame its rise to stardom to prince william! but you see, for my non-pinoy friends, what they usually have is facebook. though i find the template kinda boring (blue and white), what they lack in color, they make up in applications! a whole lot of applications! even 30-ish people would enjoy these funky and interactive profile add-ons. right now i am still trying to figure out how to apply those to my profile!
facebook is not a good site if you wanna 'take a peek' at someone else's profile. all you'll see is their name (no nicknames, as opposed to friendsters' nickname mania... i wonder why!), thumbnail sized shots and the network they are part of. it's rare that one's profile is open for public (as far as my experience with flicking is concerned). you have to have the guts to 'add him/her as a friend' or 'poke him/ her' or 'send him/her a message'.
but one thing i enjoyed though is browsing thru all the clubs/organizations that facebook people have created! gazillions of them! it reminded me of my freshman days in college, when i'd apply in so many orgs and clubs, but ends up in maximum of 2 at the end of the year!
there you go with choices for online social networks.... so enjoy browsing!!!!!

1 comment:

Paquito said...

Didn't know friendster but I started to use Facebook two months ago...

Interesting tools though, believe, those are simple datamining tools to understand customer trends (read their Terms and Conditions and you'll be "amazed" about the things we accepted when joining).

Regards from Spain :-)
