
Band of Brothers

i'm the only girl among the brood of 4. and the youngest to boot. so you can imagine how i grew up--- playing boys' games, acting like one of the guys--- until of course i became aware of my femininity in in high school.

it was not difficult for me living with them, for they never played antagonist roles in my life, even in my so called love life. i remember in high school, when i'm not yet home at 6pm and my father thinks danger beckons, he would usher all of my 3 brothers into the 3 different roads i might use going home (we live in a corner of intersecting streets), and each of them would report to him every so often.

they have their own special traits which i turn to depending on the situation. when i need someone for a deep talk, i turn to kuya andy. when i need someone to accompany me to gatherings, i turn to kuya atong. when i need someone to do errands for me, i turn to kuya raul, and so on and so forth...

i praise God for even if they had all sorts of boys' fights in the past (and it can really get physical, frequent and for the shallowest of reasons!!!), never has any of them planted any seed of anger, envy nor coldness. i saw the love-at-work when tatay passed away last january. the more i felt the importance of their uniqueness in the different roles they played during that period. i did not realize there was so much to be done when someone passes away! but with my brothers around, it was a cinch! i did not understand then, when friends tell me that i will have the real time to mourn after all these 'busyness" for the wake, burial, etc. and as usual, i loved the way they expressed their concern for each one of us, and especially to our Nanay... now, while i am away from home, they take turns taking care of her ;)

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