I know my Tatay will not hear this anymore, nevertheless, it's a good kind of emotional release to breakfree the thoughts i have in mind. So here goes the 10 things i love about you Tay:
(1) I love the way you kiss me on my forehead each time I leave the house, coupled with "Ingat (take care)"-- you never failed to do this for the past 33 years!
(2) I love the way you wake up even in the wee hours of the morning when i arrive home from any gathering, just to open the gate and guide me as i manouver the car inside the garage. never did i hear you complain even if i've awaken you from a deep sleep.
(3) I love how you indulge yourself deeply in subjects and activities you are very passionate about. i wonder where you find all the energy! i envy that, but there are times i'd find the over zealousness comical too-- i remember your deep-seated belief that everything can be cured by penicillin, then, medicol, then reflexology, then oxygen, and now, by virgin coconut oil ;)
(4) I love the way you put top priority on our education, and even on my nephew and nieces'. I'm amazed at your patience in teaching them even if you did not have to, even if you can make use of those hours for yourself. i'm sure they miss you now that exams are approaching...
(5) I love the way you leave small bits of food when we eat coz you are saving it for later, or for Nanay. few times it irritated me coz i know you will just leave it inside the fridge (and more often than not, it gets molded anyways). but i've come to accept that it is a reflection of your nature to think of others first before yourself, and i already find that sweet.

(6) I love the way you challenged me when i was figuring out the course i'd take in college. but as rebellious as i was, i did not give in to your desire that i'd be a nurse.
(7) I love the way you exemplified simple living. i owe it to you that even if there are points that we've been blessed to taste the high life, we'd always bounce back to simple, debt-free and stress-free living.
(8) I love the way you get excited about exploring new things, new places. Now i know where i got that inquisitive bone!
(9) I love the way you have instilled in my mind the paramount importance of honesty. i remembered when you spanked one of my brothers coz there was a P2.00 missing on the shelf. the means may not be justifiable, but the message definitely came across clearly.
(10) Lastly, i love the way you make me feel so young. for some reason, I seem to always appear 25 to you! i love you! ;) i just writing these makes me miss you more...
1 comment:
I got teary-eyed.
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