Eid Al Ahda & New Year!
My New Year's Resolution
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!! I pray for a more meaningful new year to all of us!
Shifting Lanes
excitement for the new things, for the new challenges, new friends, new routines, new expereinces... fear for regret, unmet expectations, for bad experiences, or worse, uncertainties...
i myself am preparing for a 180-degrees shift not only in gear, but in the lane for the next years... but i guess, however much i prepare myself for it, i'd still be a human at best. the leap of faith is easier said than done... but it has to be done...
since i climbed up my 3rd decade, i have since desired for a slow lane... maybe because i am growing old, or maybe because i already knew how it is to be in a fast lane, and how it is not possible to shift to a slower gear while in a fast lane...
fast lanes have given birth to the word stress, mental fatigue, burn out, and the infamous words 'busy' and 'no time'. it also ushered more independent women, successful singles beyond 30, and working moms, working parents. and for all the enterpreneuring spirits, it spelled spa, physical wellness, daycare centers, personal shoppers, shieks, etc.
despite all these, how come many are squeezing themselves into this lane? well, for many things that the slow lane may not offer. financial freedom. career boost. travel perks. fame. etc.
i've tried to shift to a lower gear while in the fast lane, and try to get the best of both worlds. it can be done, but still, it was very difficult. either you get honked continuously, or you catch up with double the effort that defeated the purposes of your slowing down, or ultimately get bumped out of the race... i remained there for the rest of my twenties, starting when i was still fresh from college, so full of ideals, ambitions and zest!
each lane i guess has its own merits and demerits, depending on your goals and visions in life...
as for myself, i would like to try the slow lane... to really stop and smell the roses... and for whatever uncertainties there are, i just have to comfort myself that my God is already there!
Break Free
"There stood by me.. the angel of God" by Albert Smith and E. Clark
I do not know what lies ahead,
the way I cannot see;
Yet One stands to be my guide,
He'll show the way to me.
I know who holds the future
And He'll guide me with His hands
With God things don't just happen
Everything by Him is planned;
So as I face tomorrow,
With its problems large and small
I'll trust the God of miracles
Give to Him my all.
I do not know how many days
Of life are mine to spend
But one who knows and cares for me
Will keep me til the end.
I do not know the course ahead
What joys and griefs are there;
But one is near who fully knows
I'll trust His loving care.
“Whatsoever things are true… think on these things.” Philipians 4:8
We have been guilty of playing mind-games with people and second-guessing their motives. It is all too easy to wonder about what a person isn’t saying and to try to read between the lines. We often come up with creative explanations for people’s actions and draw conclusions, and more often than not, this has led to paranoia, stunted relationships, useless anger, and worse, strained relationships.
How many times have you seemingly stopped living because you feared something, which hasn’t come yet? How many times have you hurt someone because “you thought” she was also angry with you? How many times have you passed up an opportunity to be a friend simply because he has not responded back to you and “you thought” he does not give a damn to your friendship? How many times have you misread your spouse, only to find out the fool you’ve made of yourself when he explained his side? How many more supposedly wonderful moments should you miss, just because “you thought” otherwise…?

Reading and understanding the verse seemed like a fresh flow of wave across my face, washing away all the speculations and fear from my mind! “Whatever is true…” and not the unclear message between the lines… “Whatever is true…” and not the unclear body actions. “Whatever is true ONLY...” and not the additional stories that we create… This liberated me from my daily struggle with my mind- whether at home, or at work, or at play! And my accessory prayer in cases when wrong thoughts haunt me… “Lord, whatever things I do not know of, lead me to the truth… but in the meantime, let me enjoy the truth which you have permitted to show me, and your PRESENT”.
Letter to the Young People

so are you looking forward to it? or you're still stuck in the cutesy youth camp? remember, singles camp is not just 'looking for your better-half' as many subconsciusly think it is, so they refuse to be called as such. finding your GB is just an icing on the cake! so, don't undestimate this God given stage in life ;)
so what else is there in singlehood????? singlehood is an advancement from the youth stage ...it is the time when you take in meat, rather than milk... it is when we are older and wiser to make a difference in this world as a christian... it is a stage wherein we are given the opportunity to serve more, rather than being served... it is the time for some when we have more resources to be used for his kingdom... it is a time when real and stronger tests are given by the enemies...and more importantly, it is the time when we take over the duties left by those who have chosen to take the path of marriage...
if youth is a state sandwiched between childhood and singlehood... singlehood is sandwiched between youth and marriage.... so accept the fact that people relate singlehood to "looking-for-my-GB" as this is the next natural state that people pray for us... so don't be gun-shy at the expense of losing the important teachings such as during camp!
embrace all the responsibilites and privileges that goes with being a single...and also, be armed with all the things you need to know as a single in this SCHEMING world! there's much to know which i have learned from the past 3 camps that i've attended that made me a better, more grounded and a happier single!
Evening with Friends

hmmm, so what's next???
Single Ratios and Proportions

even among the lesser mortals like my league, splits are as many, as real, but less public, but extent of damage can be of the same intensity. i just realized, reasons have gone awry and surprisingly creative in recent years! the new lifestyle has given birth to 'i need to focus on my career', 'i want to explore more', 'i can't imagine getting tied down to a single partner', 'we need to see others to test if we are really for each other', and all other shity stuff. and no more have i seen very brittle relationships than now, with break up catalysts ranging from as simple as an ordinary argument, to lack of time with each other, to fizzling out of excitement to as worse as the appearance of the ugly third party! where are the winners of the test of time, test of trials and temptations? are they so rare in this generation?
i have known some to have even bannered what they did and called it the freedom of the century-- being able to walk out of a ruining relationship. they say breaking up are more common now adays because women are more aware of their rights, and have ceased suffering in silence. some men, on the other hand have welcomed this as it means more partners in a short lifetime! how twisted! it has made jumping into and out of a relationship such a walk in the park! to some, split ups are such a mastered craft!
however it is easy for some, we have to accept the fact that in every break up, there is always pain. and to mask the pain, some couples even go to the extent of stating an 'amicable' separation, only to start public betrayals months after. it is such a sad story of a love gone sour... and worse, gone bitter...

so in the end, when couples split, is it a story of regret, or a story of freedom?
my antidote to the emphatic sadness i feel whenever i learn of couples splitting, are the few couples i personally know who have gone against the tides of the times. they unwaveringly give me back my faith in love. as for me, relationships will always be a jewel left untarnished, as how God wanted it to be. so jumping into it takes time, effort and lots of thinking.... because i am terrified of even the tell-tale signs of splitsville!
An Ode to Shey Ganda

we've covered all the malls, all the parks and we've tried ladies nights too! we strolled the famous abra station where claudine barreto walked; we've been inside the grand 7-star hotel Burj Al Arab in one of our joined birthday celebrations! we have tried the lifestyle of the rich and famous on the then idyllic Le Meridien beach resort, and we have traversed the very cosmopolitan Sheik Zayed road walking so casually under the moonlight... we have splashed water here in there in the exciting Wild Wadi, and who can forget the sand dunes and desert safari, the ultimate arabian experience? and can i ever forget our hotel hopping just for the sake of picture-taking? and how about those lazy walks in the parks... haha! we even had a graffiti wall in our flat full of snap shots from our different adventures...
a few months is enough to tell me that she is more than a gimmick buddy, but a really great friend! the laughter, the tiny voice, the giggles, the never-ending stories, the 101 ways to cook eggs, the bright-as-the sun genuine smile... very Shey! we have been together in almost all the seasons you can celebrate here- new year, valentines, summer, our birthdays, ramadan, eid, christmas, bad times, heartbroken times, 'kilig' times, lonely times, most especially happy times.. we had so much energy then, so much fun! plus, we have so much captured memories! we share the same passion for anything that goes 'click'... very snap happy! i remember being floored by my first encouter of digital camera when she showed me the Mavica, when i was a proud owner of a vivitar film camera. we both love being at the back and front of the cam! and in front of the PC doctoring our pics using photo shop, hehe! i think i have 20 CDs of our pics from 2002 to 2005! whoa! such a history!

but the most dramatic and important of those times was when she became a christian...and i was so glad i was there when it happened. it strenghtened further our bond! looking back, she has grown up so fast as a sister of mine. and wouldn't you have guessed that my little sister would now have an adventure of her own, as she started a new path of the marriage bliss last January with my equally good friend (and good-looking!) Jude! i should say that as of now, they are one of the reasons why i still believe in 'happy ever after'...
to shey girl, as i fondly call or, or shey ganda, as she would like to be called, thanks for sharing with me these wonderful years. i surely miss our times together. yours is a friendship that is genuinely selfless and fun. here's a toast to another chapter in your life-- motherhood!i may not know much as a mom, but i know a lot as a doting tita, yahoo!
Random Thoughts

...i was thinking on how i'd fulfll my teaching dream when i am so far away from home. two years from now, i picture myself free from all worries and just enjoying my time with my kiddie studes. sunday school for kids is a very good training ground i guess ... so what am i doing here in dubai? what if i had stayed back home?... maybe i'd be part of a UN mission force globe trotting for humane causes...
"Lord, i should have told her Your story when i had the chance"... oopps, thoughts about me having my hubby and kids flashed too! a happy thought ... but hey, i need to help expand the current business size of our company. as they say, strike while the iron is hot and maybe get the chance to travel to the mediterranean! ..."was it a mistake that i let him go?"... i am also seeing images of me on a christian charity work in some far-flung areas in the Philippines...
then images of a serene ocean, white sandy beach and me on a hammock while reading my favorite book while my family is back there at the cottage enjoying every sweet second of our rare reunion ...
oh no no no! i don't like to see those thoughts of regrets, no don't entertain that brain!... "why did i not hit back on that audit firm manager who fails to release our audited financial report?"... flashbacks on my holiday trip with my mom sifted through... and oh, i am having a great dinner with my friends Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Joey and funny Phoebe! Cool man!
this is what happens when real and surreal meets and competes for my attention... and ultimately robs me off my dear sleep! but a little later, when surreal becomes 'so real' in my dreams, oh that is a delightful recompense! ;)
Worry Lines Across the Miles

on moments like this, i have learned to be more human and yielding to God! i came to know that there's nothing more powerful than the God who sees everything, knows the future, and genuinely cares for all His sheep! and there is nothing more comforting than putting your faith in that God... all these years, He has been so merciful in keeping my loved ones safe, and in keeping me from insanity from mental torture...
only phonecalls and text messages kept me hopeful that all of them are safe. but i realized, they do not tell you

realizing how difficult it is to handle such sensitive information, i promised myself not to rant at my loved ones if they do not tell, nor take for granted when they tell... i am on the same boat anyways, as i find it difficult telling my mom when i am sick here, or when i feel lonely, or when i am going insane... i just told my mom to promise me to tell me exactly whatever is happening with them back home, however mundane the stories are. on the other hand, i didn't exactly give back the same promise to her though... well, i have my reasons...
My Comfort Food Ever

people thought we do not have pork here. well, Dubai and the other emirate Ajman sure has plenty of it in selected supermarkets with "Food for Non-Musilm" section. so each time we have a chance, we go get those frozen (unfortunately!) pork bits, veggies, Knorr sinigang mix, and voila, we have our 'ohhlalal'! sans the kangkong, we have a different kind of lettuce that goes well with the pork. you won't believe how much i eat when this is the meal, it's like panic-eating!
Sinigang always comes with good memories... my best friend tina and i used to have our Thursday night sinigang sessions, especially made by Tita! ... every payday and 'bad-hair-day' used to be sinigang day made by Mom. and she says she likes seeing me ravaging a bowlful of this!... bonding time with my nephews and nieces is spiced up by it coz they share the same passion as mine, i guess most Pinoys do! haha!
besides that, here we also have our 'tuyo' and 'daing' sessions... with matching kamayan! wow! feels like home! then, sometimes, we also grab a dose of longanisa.... this ramadan makes me 'diet' a bit coz there are no restaurants open, and no Manang to supply our Pinoy food, so i just have to make do with what Spinney's supermarket offers, wherein my usual are the fried rice and the sauted veggies...
hmmm... im really getting hungry with all this discussion...i guess it's time to cook and put my 'rusty' BS Food Technology skill to test...
"Sort Your Life Out"

I don't exactly remember when i started having this affair with interior

IKEA is an intelligent furniture haven which had its beginnings in Sweden, and can now be found across the globe. My first trip to its store in Dubai about three years ago left in me an impressionable mark. i liked the way they creatively educate the customers on their pricing, on manning, and on the designs, making it very informative and customer friendly. every visit will overflow your minds with ideas that will really tickle your fancy. since then, i would regularly get my 'homey retail fix' and even snatch great ideas which comes free when you get their catalogues or when you see their showrooms. i love their smart ideas on how to unclutter your things, and keep a nice home at a very reasonable price! i hope they will have this in the Philippines too, and i'm sure of a friend who will be very ecstatic with this, right Armi? www.ikeauae.com
last month, i started working on my room here in dubai. my first choice for a theme was 'modern' with bold colors of tangerine, turqouise, teal and red. but another trip to IKEA made me think i want 'country'. but then, i really liked tangerine. and then i saw this very nice black and white ensemble for a room! wow, it did not help me 'sort out', but rather it 'confused' me with hundreds of choices... but the good news is, interior decoration is one area where it's ok to be fickle-minded. i saw in Real Living how you can achieve different themes inexpensively by keeping the big furnitures and just changing the decorative items such as cushion, curtains, bedsheet and decors! oh, pure bliss! so for one year, i will have four seasons: (1) tangerine, (2) country, (3) modern and lastly (4) Zen. just add a floor lamp and varied sized picture frames, i guess i am done... and guys im telling you, this is the closest thing to 'being home'...
Next would be my office corner... maybe it can increase my productivity level... hmmm whaddyatink? with just a few artistic touch to my bare back cabinet, i'd give professional interior decorators a run for their money! in the meantime, let me think what my theme would be... white? no, black? no, floral? no, modern?... oh, i call this a happy problem ;)
Turning a New Leaf

so how different then would 32 be aside from celebrating it away from home? I know that even as i get old, i won’t get tired of making it a day which is ‘more than the ordinary’.
why the fuss? firstly, it is a celebration of how God has been preserving me throughout these years. how many have not seen their 32nd year in this world? just watch the tv and see how blessed you are at your age.
secondly, it is a remembrance of His blessings. despite my shortcomings, He has blessed me with so so much!... with salvation, with peace, with joy, with a loving mom and dad, and caring brothers and their wives, and of course, super cutie nephews and nieces! He gave me a very good health to enable me to do things, a job that i truly love, real friends and brethren i could laugh and cry with and grow with, and the elusive element of time to really enjoy moments in this life. they say these are considered luxuries nowadays… if that is so, wow, I can say I am a rich gal! No complaints whatsoever... even if literally, all the people budge me about my singlehood at 32!?#$ The eternal nagging question of “why?” gets to its climax ironically on your birthday. whew! good thing it is just for one day... but after getting used to it, I now just smile knowing that my life is more than half-full... and not half-empty ;)
lastly, birthdays for me is a challenge I love to embrace... a challenge to be a better person, a better worker, a better daughter, a better sister, and most importantly, a better christian. ever since i was a child, i always loved the turning of a new leaf... new school year, new season, new chapter… it means i don’t have to wait for New Year to re-write my resolutions… ;)
Beauty and Madness

but come to think of it, these beauties that we adore also have their fair share of physical hang-ups. the brits complain about wrinkles and too much white skin…the Italians about their too-much pointed nose…the Indians about dark skin… arabs about their flabs…and so on and so forth…
and if you’d think that pinays don’t fare well in this league, well think again…honestly, I’ve never heard so

in the end, I guess what counts is being comfortable in your own skin. embrace the God-given gifts, warts and all. no need to complain about what He has given you for it is true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder… what you wished to alter may be the one thing the other is dying to have… so girls, just love it and thank God for it! celebrate your own brand of beauty!
Of Brits and Pieces
Irish. this is my first encounter of the white people. he said he is

Britishized (?) Pinays. i dunno if that is the right word, but i guess you know what i mean. these are the pinays who married britons, and try really hard to have that brit-slang, and the loud brit-laughter. it should have been pretty much ok, if only they lose that accent, avoid being snub and respond warmly when someone tells them, "hi kabayan!"
Asian Brit. oh, the exact opposite of the above. he is an asian trapped in a briton's body. it's not that he hates UK, nor the brits. it's simply that he is so fond of everything asian... food, work place and friends. he considers east asia his second home, and really looks forward to going back there. with him, it's a very interesting 'west meets east'.
Hardcore Brits. one girl i met from an ad agency is a member of the Bridget Jones Club here (singletons!) in dubai, 28 years old. but, she is going to be tied up soon, but, they would have to live separately again as he works in UK... hmm, what an arrangement! she said, that's quite normal. no baby plans yet, so they will get a dog first. just like the other female brits, she does not wear heavy make up nor wear OA fashion statements, unlike the mid eastern counterpart... clubbing and hanging out every weekend is a must! and on nice afternoons, she and her friends love sun, beach and tanning! and oh, she loves my 'exotic' complexion (yahoo!).

these are some of my encounters with the white race (well except of course for the britishized pinays) ... encounters that finally tore down the awkward wall of biases that are i have built... i learned that after all, they are as diversed as we Pinoys are, and more importantly, they are just as human as i am...
When Mex meets West

he is from UK, she is from Mexico. they met when they were doing their masterals in US. this is what i call an internationally love story, haha! let us just say it was love at first sight, for after their initial talks, Barbs obviously got Guy running after her... even after she left for Mexico. no mountains, nor seas can stop him from pursuing her... not even culture nor the language that were poles apart. Guy flew to mexico, and with such a very traditional mexican family, Guy has to break in so strongly, and persistently, which he did. he not only absorbed the typical mexican ways, but moreso studied spanish which has connected them more strongly. in short, they got married and started the so-called path to 'bliss'...

that was almost two decades ago... last week, we went to Barbs bday celeb, as we have been privileged to be part of her important day. well, for lack of preparation and creativity, we just brought a Moncaro Italian red wine as a gift, wrapped in pink crepe paper and pink ribbon. being pinoys in an expected international and beyond-our-league crowd gave me some tingling sensation in my spine. thoughts of being out-of-place, of insecutrity and of dry oldies fun, crept into my mind...but between staying in the flat doing nothing and fulfilling our promise, we opted for the latter... so there, we drove to their place, and headed to their unit. from behind the front door, we already heard fun noises and good music.
walking past thru the guests who made it earlier than us gave me a confirmation of a 'united colors of benetton' party. we met all sorts of couples: indian, lebanese, canadian, british, arab and pinay. and of course, met all who didn't have their better-halves, such as the palestinian, brits, pinays. barbs was so kind to tell us some bits of info about her guests, and we found out they were also not connected to each other. most have met only now, and yet they talk as if they've known each other for ages. after that, barbs left us and attended to her other guests. well that leaves us to either be stuck in the corner, or explore the wonderful inter-cultural community! ;)
surprisingly, talking to each one was quite effortless! no need for formal intro, just pop up a topic, and bingo, you start to talk. later the very vibrant latino music started to fill the air, and everyone started dancing... note, most were in their late 40s dancing to the grooves! my eyes feasted on the different dance steps they have. later, women started teaching each one how to do the arabic hip moves, the spanish salsa and the egyptian walk! the guys pumped up the la vida loca music by the bongos or hand drums and various sized maraccas. much later, we were treated to Guy's suave saxophone performance! one can see that Barbara is very pleased with her hubby's show... no sign of exasperation though it seemed a routine one to her and close friends... in between the rhythm and beats, the sweet dance, one can feel the love and cool company they share...

the qatar trip and this bday party.. brief encounters with them that proved that the bliss is not gone.... instead, there were more pluses... fun, friendship and company. sans a child, they've shown that a husband and wife can rightfully complete a family... crossing over distance and cultural barriers...
Arabic Wedding
This time, i am so excited to know what is happening inside. so, all of us 5 girls (no guys allowed) got into the car and drove to their place. after a 10-min drive, we stopped by a Women's Club building, where we were informed that the wedding is happening in one of the halls. (i thought we were going into a house!) so there we walked past thru a lady guard who ushered us inside this huge ballroom.
when we entered, my first reaction was "oh my!" my eyes feasted on the reverly happening around. there were about 300 all-lady guests. and in contrast to their usual all black abayas, most were in their model-bests! while one of the kabayans was preparing our table, we just stood there in awe, as our eyes scan through the room full of prettily made-up gals, most in their runway gowns and expensive salon-finished hair and make-up. it was a refreshing change from an all-black daily encounter with them. i am a minimalist by nature, so this play of bold colors, rich textiles and complicated designs is visually challenging for me. as our colleague approached us and introduced us to her relatives and friends, i couldn't help but stare at each one. beyond those thick make-up, i can see the raw beauty they are known for. it's not everyday in dubai that you can see their faces! my colleague was in her grand gown, no sheela (head dress) so we can see how fluidly her hair cascades at her back each time she moves. her gown was a play of fushia and yellow, laces, satin and silk, and her gold jewelries were sparkling so proudly around her neck, wrists and back of her palm! that's not all... her make up is so overly excessive in my standard, but it is somehow just right for them. .. take note, she is just the sister of the groom... i wonder how the bride looks like... hmm...my hands have been itching to take photos, but i was politely warned that it was not allowed... too bad... but here's four that i got with permission.

all the time we were there, the bride was just up there on the stage, where friends and relatives go up to her. even with my 20-20 vision, 50 meters was too far to guage whether the bride was as gorgeous as the rest. the stage itself was done tastefully, typical of middle eastern grandeur. the all-female singers just went on and on with their arabic songs, which ranged from mellow to upbeat, putting all these lovely girls in their dancing shoes. it was as if i was watching the "Cleopatra" movie scene of festivies, in flesh!

at 12 midnight, after an arabic chant whose meaning we can't decipher, we noticed all the girls started wearing back their abayas. i thought the event is finished. just then, the gate was opened, there were boys throwing in confettis, and olders guys surrounding a tall, handsome guy in brown attire. we realized, he was the groom! as if heralding the arrival of the groom, the guests (now in their abayas and sheelas) threw rose petals at his pathwalk. until finally, he was united to his bride. and all the relatives came up to them to bid their wishes to the newly married couple. i asked if they have any ceremony. my friend said there is none for this day 3 of the wedding, well, i am not sure if i got the correct answer...
later, before we left, we were given the chance to see the couple up-close. maybe they were shocked to see us as we were the only 'aliens', or maybe they were just really happy that's why they were speechless. whatever. what i remembered was that the couple looked great! the bride is beaming in rich white gown, while the groom is dashing as he is.
we left shortly after 12 midnight, as if leaving a grand ball. the other guests have already ransacked the chocolate baskets as take away treats, the flowers from the bouquets have been mercilessly pulled off, and the trolley of 6 huge perfume bottles that they usually offer to guests have been substantially reduced.
after describing to you how grand the 3rd day of the wedding was, don't ask us how much it costed... we're not gonna tell...the only clue i can give you is that it can already buy me a house and lot in Laguna... ;)
Living as if it were your last...

Dec 2004, for some reason, I had been very much affected with the passing away of a number of personalities i've watched on TV, specially the "unexpected deaths". most of them were not blessed to be taught on how to live a truly meaningful life... and here i am, fully equipped week after week with the full armory, and yet, i have not used it to the fullest... and that realization was the start of it...
Until this day, after a year, I still count each day a blessing... i count each seemingly mundane thing a real blessing such as being able to walk, talk, smile and drive, which others are not blessed to do...i count each part of my body a blessing, whether it looked nice or not... i count each moment I spend with loved ones a blessing, so i focus on the fellowship, and shrug off the inconveniences and overlook non-sinful imperfections of others... i count each opportunity to exercise my faith a blessing, whether in good or bad circumstance... i count my singlehood a blessing, though others in this world find it a curse... i count each dealing of God with me a blessing, whether a pat on my back or a rod of correction... i count each problem, trial and hardship a blessing... i count each opportunity to be of service a blessing, even if it just means sending SMS or emails... because each day will not be the same again... and opportunities will just pass me by...

Out of this very simple and very basic principle that God pressed in me, came out a lot of other blessings... most importantly, it yielded more love to our faithful and loving Saviour... more love to the brethren... more patience to things that usually irritates me (this has eased so so so much load off my back, i'm telling you)... more sensitivity to the things that hurt the Holy Spirit... more importance to time... more vivid picture of who i really am in this world... more excitment in facing tomorrow and anticipation of the glory ahead of us... and a whole lot more of the truly important things in life! ;)
Wearing the Trousers
Last month, I have been made aware of a certain fear which I did not know I possess - legal cases. There had been allegations against our company which I have to face, being the representative of the management. Being a law abiding citizen, any “legal” case, however small or big it is, melts my knees, much more now that it involves our company, and it did not help either having a lawyer for a brother. So when this legal thing cropped up, I knew I am in for many sleepless nights.

Three days after, I have to confront my fear. The sleepless nights, stirred with hours of prayers and cries to our mighty God, helped me face my “den of lions”. I was able to talk straight to the local guy, and without much evidence, he dropped the allegations. I praise God for behind this awful situation, I saw His wonderful working. Looking back, I have learned a great deal of reality. Besides the fact that God is always there to the weary soul, I learned more about “wearing the trousers”.
Usually in a company, those under the management are quick to criticize decisions made by their heads

Cascading this corporate scenario to the family, I may say I have been given the rare real opportunity to be in a man’s shoe. Just like in a company, most wives are quick to point out the faults of their men. But as I realized, it is not easy always being the head and the source of strength of the family. The daily decisions that have to be made, the responsibility of looking over a number of people they love, and meeting the expectations of the outside world is just too much to handle. And then add to this the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional weariness, the fears that haunt them and the unwelcome remarks thrown their way. Without God’s mercy and grace, I think many of the men would have given up the race.
Having experienced this, my consolation is that I am a woman, and I can easily get a vacation from work or give up this position and choose to live a simpler life. But to the men, this is what they have been called for, for life. Either as a family man, a preacher, a deacon or a head of a ministry, they all lead in one way or another. And as women, either wives or singles, we ought to help them make it a pleasurable lifetime duty by being cooperative, understanding, and more prayerful. And being given the modern right to express our thoughts, remember that if in case we have to disagree, do it agreeably.
The wisdom of God in making the roles of men and women different should not be messed up by our ideas of equality or liberalism. After all, it is God who sees the “big picture”. He is our ultimate perfect Leader who does not err, does not grow weary and neither does He have fears.
My Lebanese Friend

Proud. if you are intellectually blessed among your contemporaries, can speak French, Arabic and English fluently, has those deep-set eyes framed with long lashes, aquiline nose and oval-shaped faces, who wouldn't be? but beyond this physical rational, their seemingly 'proud' aura tems futher deep down into how they have successfully quickly rose from the ruins of civil war... and now, whenever they talk about lebanon, it is oozing with pride. i guess Pinoys came in late when someone scattered seeds of national pride... hmm...
Hot-headed. Smile does not come as easily as it does to Pinoys. And as she said, if you've lived your life in the atmosphere of struggle, you will unfortunately find it hard to control your temper. she said, hopefully, maybe the new generation will change that...
Discriminating. self-explanatory. if people think you are proud, they would think your are discriminating.
Vain. oh, the wonders of silicone, here, there and everywhere. she said most 18-year- olds and above has done it. and she admits to really being a vain nation! on a good note, these lebanese has given me the excuse to paint my face liberally!

and now, watchng the israel-lebanese war in the tube, i remember my friend again. good thing she is not in lebanon. bad thing is, many victims of the offensive bombing are young civilians. i am wondering at the war, the struggles they experienced... and then, just maybe, after emerging victoriously after this war, the new generation will still carry on the legacy of lebanon... however negative it may be, there is always a story behind...